Clinical Supervision

There is a growing recognition of the need and value of clinical supervision for all health professionals. Clinical Supervision is a wonderful self - care strategy whilst its primary aim is the development of the health care professional. Clinical Supervision is a regular, dedicated time for reflection on professional practice. Most say it nurtures and sustains them too.

I offer individual and group clinical supervision incorporating the role development model, reflective coaching skills and many years of experience mentoring. I work with the whole person to foster a deeper self care and resilance, drawing out the inner wisdom we each have.

A minimum of 3 sessions is  recommended initially and then at least monthly. Many benefit from more frequent sessions.We can work in person if you are Perth based, on zoom or phone.

My rates are reasonable and I invite you to contact me today to discuss your needs.

Clinical Supervision in an investment in your future. You are worth it.



Testimonials from some appreciative coaching supervision clients.....


Julie is an insightful, patient, wise, reflective, curious inquirer.
I looked forward to and valued my sessions via Skype with Julie as I navigated the complicated world of working as a midwifery manager in the public sector.
Julie facilitated my reflection on my practice and the forces around me that impacted me both positively and negatively.
These sessions gave me tools to perform my role in a safer, stronger way to provide care for the women and midwives I worked with and deal with the many pressures exerted onto me.
Together we investigated and planned what retirement would look like and the transition has been seamless.
I was so fortunate the world conspired to have our paths meet.

Jackie Kitschke - Midwife, Manager



Words can not truly convey the essence of the supervision sessions Julie provides but I can say that each session was so worth the investment. Through the role development model process I was able to explore deeply rather than intellectualising, which is my normal tendency. I found new perspectives and it helped me look through different lenses. Finding those new lenses I have been able to shift those things I may never have become aware of, if looking through the old lenses. As I work more with Julie I can see the place these shifts need to come from for greater transformation of my professional practice. Whenever I visited Julie I knew there was something I was stuck on, intellectually I could understand but making the core shift and creating that aha moment was only realised after working with Julie. The process itself was dynamic, fun and always naturally transformational. Julie provided the gentle energetic space for me to deeply explore, feeling completely safe to be vulnerable. Her kindness and curiosity encouraged me to be authentic with myself. Julie's faith in me also gave me the courage to dig deeper for the answers necessary for permanent shifts. I believe, as in any field, there is supervision and then there is supervision, thank you Julie for taking the process to another level.

Renee Imbrogio -  Director Love SOL, Life Coach, Reiki Master, Mentor, Facilitator


I really loved how the sessions aligned with things I needed clarity on. Julie’s approach to the coaching supervision sessions was beautiful. It allowed the issues to a take on a positive awareness and creative outcomes. I felt greatly supported in her sessions and enjoyed the role-playing examples.   Using the characters in the role -play approach created the visual and hands on, which works well for my learning style. It was amazing how each time it created a new light and more awareness. This helped me gain insight into what I had achieved and what I might work with next time.

This uncovering was deeply explorative. A great way of reflecting and acknowledging. These shifts allowed me the expansion of being competent of what was required. I really enjoyed the flow and feeling of upliftment of the outcomes. Thanks so much Julie for providing a healing and creative learning space.

Jen Taylor - Owner/Operator 'Loving Change', lifestyle Coach & Mentor, Bowen Therapist


Coaching Supervision is a brilliant reflective opportunity. It opens the way for a deep reflection and review of sessions, and how we come to interpret them. The way Julie works is great fun, and the space she holds really helps to open the way for a greater perspective on a particular moment. Perhaps coming to look at it from alternative angles, including the clients, seeing what twists and turns we may have overlooked, and of course exploring new ways and approaches for future sessions. Supervision is an awesome opportunity for anyone interested in reviewing themselves and the way they work. Highly recommended!

Tarnia Miles - Life Coach, Mentor, Facilitator and Presenter.



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