What is Self Care?

It is a paradox when as nurses we are professionally responsible for the care of others but find it so challenging to extend quality care to our selves. Giving from an empty well is rather exhausting and I was well practised caring in this way. Rather than offering the usual ‘make time for self, eat right and get some exercise’ we know this is valuable but still struggle to do, I find it most helpful to explore what lies beneath these behaviours.

Self imposed limitations keep us looping in behaviours we may want to change but feel struck, with even the best intentions. When we explore what stands in the way of change, we can heal those parts of us and explore ways to choose differently. It isn’t really complicated and a mentor can show you how, walking beside you as you find your way. Simply finding how to connect with our true centre assists us to discover what is our way forward.

We can learn to engage with others from our self loving core and improve our vitality and confidence so everyone benefits. Yes that’s right others benefit when we care well for ourselves first. Can you feel how this could provide the spark for transforming your world?

It is only when we care well for ourselves can we care well for others. Learning how to give from the overflow like a fountain that continually replenishes itself. Can you feel how that could be?

Would you like to know more? Call me today on 0405 506 486 to discuss what modality is best for your needs; mentoring, clinical supervision or coaching.



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